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Re: "Experimental" features in releases

Daniel Berlin wrote:
> Thus, it is algorithmically unsound in it's current form :)
> Again, this is *only* the piece that attempts to convert loops 
> to perfect nests.
> This is in fact, not terribly surprising, since the algorithm used was the result of
> Sebastian and I sitting at my whiteboard for 30 minutes trying to figure out
> what we'd need to do to make swim happy :).


> At one point, the only thing it would interchange was incredibly simple loops,
> which worked out okay, and some simple perfect nests (which is where swim falls into).
> Everything was more or less happy.
> As our optimizers got better at cleaning up code, it seems to have started
> to transform more and more perfect nests that violate the safety conditions,
> but it doesn't know about it because the analysis necessary to see this is
> just not there.  
> It could be made sound by implementing these analysis, but doing so is
> just as much work as implementing something that isn't a complete hack,
> like loop distribution.  At that point, you may as well just do that (and in fact, the
> analysis you need to implement is the basis of one of the common loop
> distribution algorithms).

I think that the solution to these problems is to perform a more
careful analysis of the data dependences before deciding to move the
code out of the loop.  I'll try to come back with a patch to the PR
that still allows the interchange for the swim case.

> [1] Note that before anyone asks, doing iteration space code generation on loops that
> are not perfect nests is possible, but is a much more computationally expensive idea
> Plus, in the general case, it requires generation of tons of guard statements,
> which may make the transformed loop more expensive than the original.  This is a *hard*
> problem, and actively researched.

Right, some techniques are experimental, but other have been
implemented and used in the open64/orc compiler at INRIA: Albert
Cohen, Georges-Andre Silber and I will speak about the WRAP-IT
experience at the GCC summit.  The plan is to extend the lambda code
to also capture other loop transforms that also need the notion of
schedule: fusion, fission, tiling, etc.  For this I'll open a new
branch, and will not help for promptly solving our PRs.  So let's
solve the current PRs before creating new ones ;)


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