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> >> 	scratchslot = argument
> >> 	argument = stack frame size - small
> >> 	sp += argument
> >> 	argument = scratchslot
> >> 	sp += small
> >
> > This assumes you have a frame pointer or sp+large_offset addressing mode
> > for accessing scratchslot. In which case you could either use fp as
> > scratch storage or probably have an add sp, large_offset instruction.
> >
> > Paul
> >
>   :)  OK, I'll allocate a successive series of scratchslots every 32k all
>   : the
> way up the stack and bounce the (continuously-reducing) frame size argument
> from one to the next until we get within range of the top!

Or use 2 scratch regs:

sp[0] = tmp1;
tmp1 = #(framesize - small)
sp[tmp1] = tmp2;
tmp2 = tmp1;
tmp1 = sp[0];
sp += tmp2;
tmp2 = sp[0];
sp += #small;


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