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Re: Is this a bug of gcc ?

On Mar 6, 2006, at 8:12 AM, Pierre Chatelier wrote:


I cannot compile a code that seems correct to me. I have tried with gcc 3.3 and gcc 4.0.1 on MacOS X-ppc, and gcc 4.0.1 on Linux i686.

Here is the code, that uses pure virtual functions and simple inheritance.

struct a
  virtual int foo() =0;
  virtual ~a(){}

struct b : public a
  virtual int foo(int a) =0;
  virtual ~b(){}

struct c : public b
int test()
return (foo() + // <--- the compiler claims here that it cannot find foo()
virtual ~c(){}
This is not a bug in gcc.  foo in b hides the one from a.
You can "fix" the source by:
struct b : public a
  virtual int foo(int a) =0;
  using a::foo;
  virtual ~b(){}

Which interjects foo from a into b's "namespace".

-- Pinski

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