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Re: gcc build / test times on multi-core hosts?

On 2006-02-17, at 23:43, Joern RENNECKE wrote:

Has anybody done timings for gcc bootstrap / cross builds and regtests with modern multi-core processors? I wonder what a sensible modern configuration would be for gcc development, but the the multimedia and games benchmarks I found on the web neither seem particularily relevant, nor do they paint a uniform picture.

In fact the "gamer" benchmarks you are dissing are quite well reflecting the very kind
of coding excessively found in GCC itself. Some observations suggest
the you should aim at the CPU with the biggest L2-cache size affordable. In particular
comparision on the older Athlon XP line where very conclusive here as there where similarly rated CPUs available with 256kB vers. 512kB caches. Usually the 512k where 20% faster on GCC build loads then the ones with smaller caches despite beeing significantly lower clocked.

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