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Re: GCC 4.1 Status Report (2005-08-21)

Mark Mitchell <> writes:

> My first comment is that we had a lot of bugs targeted at 4.1.0 that
> should never have been so targeted.  Please remember that bugs that do
> not effect primary or secondary targets should not have a target
> milestone.  There are several PRs that seem to have had target
> milestones re-added after I removed them before, though it could also
> be that I failed to remove the milestone, even though I added a
> comment to that effect.  PR 17356 is an example of such a PR, though
> in this case it looks like it was Andrew Pinski who removed the target
> milestone.  PR 18190 is another example.  In fact, it almost looks
> like someone went through and methodically re-added target milestones
> to all the PRs for which they had been removed.  If that's the case,
> please stop!

FYI, you can find out when fields like the target milestone were
changed by clicking on the "View Bug Activity" link which is just
under the "Commit" button.

In the case of PR 18190, for example, you removed the target milestone
on 2005-01-19, Andrew set it to 4.1.0 on 2005-03-05 (without adding a
comment), and you removed it again on 2005-08-22.


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