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Re: How to make an application look somewhere other than /lib for

--- Mark Cuss wrote:
> For #1, if I build with --static, then no libraries
> can be linked in 
> dynamically at runtime...  I need to do this for
> some custom Qt libraries 
> and plugins, so I can't just make a completely
> static executable.  This is 
> unfortunate - the resulting binaries would be big,
> but they'd work on any 
> distro.

This is possible by using something like
-Wl,-Bdynamic, (insert list of libraries to be
dynamically linked),-Bstatic

For example, if you want to dynamically link against
Qt library and glibc and rest of it being static, you
can use -Wl,-Bdynamic,-lqt-mt,-lc,-Bstatic

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