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Re: GCC 3.4.4 Released

On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 10:15:12AM -0700, Mark Mitchell wrote:
> And, I would like to ask that our webmasters, in there copious spare 
> time :-), work on automatically generating more of this content.  The 
> bug lists and such could be automatically generated, even if some 
> subsequent refinement is required.

We don't have enough data to reliably generate the bug list completely
automatically, especially for new releases on older branches.

For any given bug, it might have been introduced during developmenent and
not exist in any released GCC.  It might remain open because it's still
broken in 3.4.x but not in 4.0.x, or the reverse might be true.  It might
be marked as fixed in 4.0, then later backported to 3.4.4, but the target
milestone might read "4.0".

For 4.0.1, a Bugzilla query for RESOLVED/FIXED/Target=4.0.1 will be close
to the right answer, but this would give a bad answer for 4.0.0 (huge
numbers of development bugs reflecting breakage in the trunk) or 3.4.4
(problems with consistent tagging of backported fixes).

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