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Re: Merging calls to `abort'

On Mar 16, 2005, at 11:23, Richard Stallman wrote:
But what are you saying to those users who don't like it that GNU programs
abort silently when they discover bugs in themselves? Aren't you saying
"tough" in a somewhat more polite way?

No, because nobody has complained about it.  The idea that Emacs
should not use plain abort to crash has only been raised here, not by
Emacs users.  The real complaint that I really got was about

As a user (and when I have time, which hasn't been the case in a while, an occasional contributor) of both Emacs and GCC, I prefer the fancy_abort/assert approaches. I haven't complained, because I've just taken it as a foregone conclusion that that's the way you want Emacs to work, and I don't feel strongly enough about it to try to convince you otherwise. That, and the (occasional) problems I run into tend to be bad addresses causing faults more than explicit calls to abort.


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