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Re: Details for svn test repository

On Fri, 2005-02-11 at 02:20 +0000, Joseph S. Myers wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Feb 2005, Daniel Berlin wrote:
> > It *only* sends compressed texts, there is no need to pass extra
> > options.
> Although checkout/update are probably the normal use cases which use the 
> bulk of the bandwidth - along with commit where svn can send diffs and cvs 
> needs to upload the whole changed file - svn log appears to receive logs 
> from the server in uncompressed form,

This is true.  However, you are talking about reporting data, and he was
asking about checkout of actual things in the repository.

>  which can be large for logs of e.g. 
> the whole gcc/ directory.  I'm sure those people developing GCC on dialup 
> would be glad of compression even for much smaller logs.

In this case it may be best to just offer anonymous ssh with
compression, the way other people do (however, rather than have a key
that everyone installs, you just have an anonssh password).

However, i will explore making it use zlib to send logs when possible
anyway (this should be able to be implemented in a backwards compatible
manner because of how the protocol works).

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