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Re: Details for svn test repository

On Thu, 2005-02-10 at 23:33 -0500, Daniel Berlin wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-02-11 at 04:39 +0100, Marcin Dalecki wrote:
> > On 2005-02-11, at 04:23, Daniel Berlin wrote:
> > >>>
> > > It was perfectly fair. He's complaining the source has dependencies, 
> > > and
> > > uses configure to find out what is available, and complains when it
> > > can't find the things it absolutely depends on.
> > 
> > Because apr and apr-util are providing things subversion doesn't need 
> And at the same time, providing things it does need, hence the
> requirement.
> It relies on it for portable file i/o and such (particularly across unix
> and win32).

Here, and before you try to interpret this as saying it only saying it
uses it only for portable file i/o (including portable file status,
deletion,  opening, closing, determining stdin/stdout, unique files,
permissions, reading, writing, path encoding and decoding, etc), it also
very heavily uses it for the portable memory pool, portable dso loading,

In fact, if you look at the web page for APR, you can discover exactly
why it was created, and what it does, and then if you look at the
history of subversion, you can discover why apr was used for these
things, instead of reimplementing the wheel again.


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