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Several levels of virtual inheritance: bug?


I have found (what seems to be) a bug in todays CVS version of g++ 4.0. The reduced testcase no logner calls the wrong virtual function, but it still crashes. Additionally it is all one file now.
I attatched a reduced test-case (test-smodel.C). Here is the output:

Output in 3.4:
subst model = EQU
subst model = EQU
subst model = EQU

Output in 4.0 CVS: subst model = EQU subst model = D\uffff Segmentation fault

Should I file a bug in bugzilla for this?

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using std::string;

struct Model {
  bool full_tree;      // if you remove this, the error goes away
  virtual Model* clone() const =0;
  virtual std::string name() const =0;
  virtual ~Model() {}  // if you remove this, the error goes away

struct R: virtual public Model {
  virtual R* clone() const =0;

struct A: virtual public Model {
  virtual A* clone() const=0;

struct RA: public R, public A {
  virtual RA* clone() const=0;

//--------------------- EQU  Model ------------------------//
struct EQU: public RA {
  virtual EQU* clone() const {return new EQU(*this);}
  string name() const {return "EQU";}

int main() {

  Model* M1 = new EQU();
  Model* M2 = M1->clone();
  Model* M3 = M2->clone();

  std::cout<<"subst model = "<<M1->name()<<std::endl;
  std::cout<<"subst model = "<<M2->name()<<std::endl;
  std::cout<<"subst model = "<<M3->name()<<std::endl;

  return 0;

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