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Re: Moving to an alternate VCS

On Feb 2, 2005, at 9:32 PM, Daniel Berlin wrote:
Therefore, I believe we should seriously start considering and talking about a migration path to a version control system we can work with in the next year.

To be concrete, how about one week after 4.0.1 or 4.0.2 is released? We don't want it just after 4.0.0, as we should have a small influx of bugs that we'll want to spend time on instead of playing with the infrastructure. Post 4.1 doesn't seem to offer any advantages that I know about, are there any that people can think of?

For the sole purposes of keeping such a discussion under control (so to speak), i posit that the only sane choice we have to make such a migration in the next year or so, is Subversion.

I agree. Please, let's so limit this.

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