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Re: Compile performance of Linux kernels in mainline gcc

Andi Kleen wrote:

>>> Quotes? You mean >>"<< ?  That is 7 bit ASCII too.
>> The world has moved on.  Not every quote character is an ASCII quote
>> character.  You requested UTF-8, you get it.
> And what advantage does it have to use such a weird quoting character?
> Is there anything wrong with the good old ASCII " ?
> For me this sounds just like a totally unnecessary gratuious

If you use GCC in plain English with plain ASCII, it is just a matter of
setting your own computer requesting that with the LC_* flags.

Others may like GCC in Chinese with UTF-8, so they would set their locale
flags to Chinese UTF-8, and they will get Chinese translations using proper
Chinese quotes. Notice also that they would write their variable names in
Chinese UTF-8 as well, and they would expect GCC to compile them correctly,
and emit them correctly in the error messages.

You can't really blame GCC for adding new i18n features: if you have a
wrongly configured terminal, you get what you ask for.

Anyway, this shows that we probably needs to document this within

Giovanni Bajo

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