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Re: Unconfirmed Ada bugs in Bugzilla

> there are 64 unconfirmed Ada bugs in Bugzilla at the moment
> ( Most of them seems to be
> rejects-valid/accepts-invalid which are impossible to confirm for people which
> do not know Ada, and we currently don't have any bugmaster with Ada skills.

Right, these are handled as time permits.

Most of them are not regressions, although testing whether a particular version
was/was not working requires a significant amount of time, that requires no
particular Ada knowledge, so if this is felt important, I'd appreciate some
help here.

> By the way, I see that all the development is going into CVS mainline: is Ada
> in the 3.4 branch totally freezed (which means that not even regressions will
> be fixed there)?

There have been very few regressions in 3.4 AFAIK.


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