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C++ broken again wrt. GTY desc


Find the bug:

1.717        (geoffk   04-Jun-02):   unsigned u1sel : 1;
1.1          (law      11-Aug-97):
1.717        (geoffk   04-Jun-02):   union lang_decl_u {
1.717        (geoffk   04-Jun-02):     tree GTY ((tag ("0"))) template_info;
1.717        (geoffk   04-Jun-02):     struct cp_binding_level * GTY ((tag ("1"))) level;
1.939        (nathan   12-Dec-03):     tree GTY ((tag ("2"))) thunk_alias;
1.717        (geoffk   04-Jun-02):   } GTY ((desc ("%1.u1sel"))) u;

You _can_ _not_ have a switch from GTY desc if the switch has
three possibilities while the index expression can only be 0
or 1!

I already fixed one of these not too long ago, now there are
two new bugs like this: the one showed above, and another one
immediately below this one.  Both are in cp-tree.h.

Nathan, this is your doing.  Please fix it, it badly breaks a
cleanup I have queued for expanding switches.


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