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Configuring GCC build: doc patch

May I suggest something like the following patch for
because after an apparently successful build I could not
`make install`?

--- configure.html.orig 2004-07-13 13:03:22.694719000 +0100
+++ configure.html 2004-07-13 13:13:18.442877000 +0100
@@ -140,6 +140,11 @@
% cd <var>objdir</var>
% <var>srcdir</var>/configure [<var>options</var>] [<var>target</var>]
+ <p>Do not use a relative path for <span class="command"><var>srcdir</var>/configure</span>,
+use an absolute path instead, because this is used to derive paths
+for various things in the resulting makefiles. In subdirectories +relative paths will be incorrect, but absolute paths will still
<h3 class="heading"><a name="TOC0"></a>Target specification</h3>


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