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Re: Question on aggregates and GIMPLE

On Tue, 2004-06-08 at 22:22, Richard Kenner wrote:

> However, the problem still is the large-but-nonconstant cases.  Right now,
> we'll ICE if there's an ARRAY_TYPE since temporaries are forbidden from
> having those types for reasons that have never been explained to me.  But if
> we allow that (trivial), is it still a good idea to add explicit copies of
> aggregates that could be many MB?  And then you have the types for which
> copying is not permitted.
You answered your own question.  GIMPLE is a scalar language, so it's
never necessary for the compiler to create intermediate arrays to hold
copies of other arrays.  Think of it as a target that only has one block
move operations: bitwise copy of aggregates of a fixed size.

If we decide to support matrix operations for the sake of the
vectorizer, we will need to evaluate what that means in terms of
temporaries.  But that's a very specific case.  It doesn't seem to me
that any of the Ada variable-sized aggregates could benefit from this,
but I don't know for certain.

> 	with unchecked_conversion;
> 	package tuc is
> 	  type t1 is array (1...250000) of integer;
> 	  type t2 is array (1...250000) of float;
> 	  function uc is new unchecked_conversion (t1, t2);
> 	  type pt1 is access all t1;
>           type pt2 is access all t2;
>           procedure cpy (p1: pt1; p2: pt2);
>         end tuc;
>         package body tuc is
>           procedure cpy (p1: pt1; p2: pt2);
> 	  begin
> 	    pt2.all := uc (pt1.all);
>           end cpy;
>         end tuc;
> I hope this is readable.  The only executable line becomes:
> The programmer expects exactly one copy of this 1 MB array.  However, we'll
> do two since the gimplification will make a temporary for the INDIRECT_REF
> on the RHS.
Really?  VIEW_CONVERT_EXPR <> is a valid GIMPLE RHS.  Show me the
gimplified form of this function?

Out of that we ought to generate a VDEF (shortly, V_MUST_DEF) for *pt2
and a VUSE for *pt1.


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