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Exception Handling Broken in the Last 24 Hours


    In the last 24 hours, exception handling seems to
have broken at least as seen in testcases for Java
on i686-pc-linux-gnu - most of them time out and FAIL.

For one such failing test case,
I'm attaching the difference between the assembly
produced by the compiler now:
---------------------------- 8< ----------------------------
--- jj1	2004-05-27 12:42:23.000000000 +0530
+++ jj2	2004-05-27 12:43:17.000000000 +0530
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
 	.file	"noclass.c"
+	.section	.debug_abbrev,"",@progbits
+	.section	.debug_info,"",@progbits
+	.section	.debug_line,"",@progbits
+	.text
+	.align 4
 	.section	.rodata
 	.string	"java/lang/Sarcophagus"
@@ -7,9 +16,13 @@
 .globl Java_noclass_find_1it
 	.type	Java_noclass_find_1it, @function
 	pushl	%ebp
 	movl	%esp, %ebp
 	subl	$8, %esp
 	movl	8(%ebp), %eax
 	movl	(%eax), %eax
 	movl	24(%eax), %edx
@@ -20,6 +33,126 @@
 	movl	%eax, 12(%ebp)
 	.size	Java_noclass_find_1it, .-Java_noclass_find_1it
-	.ident	"GCC: (GNU) 3.5.0 20040524 (experimental)"
+	.section	.debug_frame,"",@progbits
+	.long	.LECIE0-.LSCIE0
+	.long	0xffffffff
+	.byte	0x1
+	.string	""
+	.uleb128 0x1
+	.sleb128 -4
+	.byte	0x8
+	.byte	0xc
+	.uleb128 0x4
+	.uleb128 0x4
+	.byte	0x88
+	.uleb128 0x1
+	.align 4
+	.long	.LEFDE0-.LASFDE0
+	.long	.Lframe0
+	.long	.LFB2
+	.long	.LFE2-.LFB2
+	.byte	0x4
+	.long	.LCFI0-.LFB2
+	.byte	0xe
+	.uleb128 0x8
+	.byte	0x85
+	.uleb128 0x2
+	.byte	0x4
+	.long	.LCFI1-.LCFI0
+	.byte	0xd
+	.uleb128 0x5
+	.align 4
+	.file 1 "noclass.c"
+	.text
+	.align 4
+	.section	.debug_info
+	.long	0xa5
+	.value	0x2
+	.long	.Ldebug_abbrev0
+	.byte	0x4
+	.uleb128 0x1
+	.long	.Letext0
+	.long	.Ltext0
+	.string	"GNU C 3.5.0 20040527 (experimental)"
+	.byte	0x1
+	.string	"noclass.c"
+	.string	"/home/ranmath/src/gcc/gcc-20040527/libjava/testsuite/libjava.jni"
+	.uleb128 0x2
+	.byte	0x1
+	.string	"Java_noclass_find_1it"
+	.byte	0x1
+	.byte	0x5
+	.long	.LFB2
+	.long	.LFE2
+	.byte	0x1
+	.byte	0x55
+	.byte	0x0
+	.section	.debug_abbrev
+	.uleb128 0x1
+	.uleb128 0x11
+	.byte	0x1
+	.uleb128 0x12
+	.uleb128 0x1
+	.uleb128 0x11
+	.uleb128 0x1
+	.uleb128 0x25
+	.uleb128 0x8
+	.uleb128 0x13
+	.uleb128 0xb
+	.uleb128 0x3
+	.uleb128 0x8
+	.uleb128 0x1b
+	.uleb128 0x8
+	.byte	0x0
+	.byte	0x0
+	.uleb128 0x2
+	.uleb128 0x2e
+	.byte	0x0
+	.uleb128 0x3f
+	.uleb128 0xc
+	.uleb128 0x3
+	.uleb128 0x8
+	.uleb128 0x3a
+	.uleb128 0xb
+	.uleb128 0x3b
+	.uleb128 0xb
+	.uleb128 0x11
+	.uleb128 0x1
+	.uleb128 0x12
+	.uleb128 0x1
+	.uleb128 0x40
+	.uleb128 0xa
+	.byte	0x0
+	.byte	0x0
+	.byte	0x0
+	.section	.debug_pubnames,"",@progbits
+	.long	0x28
+	.value	0x2
+	.long	.Ldebug_info0
+	.long	0xa9
+	.long	0x84
+	.string	"Java_noclass_find_1it"
+	.long	0x0
+	.section	.debug_aranges,"",@progbits
+	.long	0x1c
+	.value	0x2
+	.long	.Ldebug_info0
+	.byte	0x4
+	.byte	0x0
+	.value	0x0
+	.value	0x0
+	.long	.Ltext0
+	.long	.Letext0-.Ltext0
+	.long	0x0
+	.long	0x0
+	.ident	"GCC: (GNU) 3.5.0 20040527 (experimental)"
 	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
---------------------------- 8< ----------------------------

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