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RFC embedded c proposal


I'm working on a patch on [AVR-]GCC to support multiple memoryspaces. The AVR has more than one memoryspace (code + data), and thus a modification to GCC is needed.

This standard proposal from ISO/IEC:

contains issues about C extension in respect of embedded processors. In section 3.1.2. it suggests syntax for multiple memoryspaces:

	_X char a, b, c;
		// Declares three characters in address space _X

	_X const int *p;
		// Declares a pointer in the generic address space
		// that points to a constant int object in address
		// space _X

	_X struct { int a; char b; } *_Y q;
		// Declares a pointer in address space _Y that points
		// to a structure in address space _X

Now, if I were to implement this into GCC, what would be best method of implementation? Consider:

a) Add the appropriate _X keywords for the target at hand (which in this case could be _Progmem, _Flash, _Code or similar)


b) Declare an __attribute__, e.g. __attribute__((progmem)), that will become a part of the type decleration:

__attribute__((progmem)) char a, b, c; // Works today in GCC

__attribute__((progmem)) int *p; // Does not work

Which of these two methods would be best suited for gcc?

Regards, Svein

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