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Re: RFC: Removing --enable-win32-registry?

On 7 Apr 2004 at 21:44, Nathanael Nerode wrote:

> | Can you explain a little more about how it's supposed to work?
> |
> | Yes, I've read: <>
> |
> | What I don't understand is whether it's supposed to look up the
> registry key
> | *at the time of installing gcc, i.e. at 'make install'*, or whether it
> means
> | that it looks up the registry key when gcc *executes*.
> When it executes.
> I haven't heard from anyone who actually *uses* it, though, so....

I have actually enabled it. It hasn't caused any problems, though since it's 
unclear to me as to what it's actually supposed to do, I don't know how useful 
it is.

If it is supposed to work only when installing gcc (after build) then I would 
think that it is pretty useless because AFAIK everybody seems to go the route 
of specifying --prefix as the installation location, which works.


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