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Re: Converting MSVC to intel-style gcc inline assembly

Matthew Tippett <> writes:

> Now, although i can handle coverting the body of code over, the
> parameter passing is going to cause some problems.  Since the gcc
> supports intel style assembly, it simplifies it down to
> 	__asm {	-->   __asm__ (
> 	eax	--> %%eax
> And so on, (which can be scripted), is there any easy way of
> automating the conversion from the inline variable use to the
> parameter syntax %1, %2, %3 that gcc requires.  With a little bit of

Newer gcc supports named arguments:

      asm("movl %[arg1],..." :: [arg1] "r" (argument1)); 

This may be easier to port and is in general less error prone.  Also
note that gcc inline assembly has some unique quirks, like it's not
possible to clobber %ebp or the PIC register in -fPIC code. You just
get silently wrong code, but no error message in older gccs.


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