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Re: Lazy allocation of DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME

Mark Mitchell <> writes:

> >I will try to look into it, but last time I tried to do so, both C and
> >C++ frontends was creating separate declarations for local declarations,
> >
> If so, those are bugs -- or cases where the front ends really wants
> you to think of those as seaparate objects.
> >forward declarations and such, so single function got many DECLs.
> >Also we can't hash directly the addresses as the hashtable is saved into
> >PCH headers, so I am unsure about better sollution to the hashing.
> >I need at least one entity that is stable across PCH and multiple
> >declarations...
> >
> But, really, someone should just fix PCH to do the obvious pointer
> swizzling and/or hash-table rebuilds.  It's silly to be inventing new
> uniquifiers, computing them, filling up memory with them, etc., in
> lots of places when we could just fix the PCH machinery.

You'll want to be doing some benchmarks before committing to one

- Geoffrey Keating <>

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