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Re: Lazy allocation of DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME

Could you mention this in the documentation of DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME in


To check for whether two declarations are the same, just compare their

You mean, the addresses of the trees

Yes, I mean the addresses of the trees. If that makes PCH unhappy, then we use DECL_UID. (Much though I think that wasting a word in every DECL for a UID when the address is *already* a UID is goofy. The EDG front end is a worked example demonstrating that you can use pointers as indices and still make PCH work by swizzling the pointers on the way in. We really should do that; it would allow us to save memory and would make PCH more robust.)

If a front end creates two FUNCTION_DECLs or VAR_DECLs
that happen to have the same DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME that's either a bug
or an intentional trick on the part of the front end: by the time
things get to the middle end there should be only one DECL for each
declared entity.

I don't believe that the frontends actually ensure this. For instance,

extern int x;
extern int y asm ("x");

will produce two DECLs that refer to the same integer.

Yes -- but that's the user's issue.

From the point of view of the compiler, we should still treat these as two separate variables.

You could even do

extern float y asm ("x")

and I don't expect that we would present give you a warning.

I certainly don't think that should be an error -- I think it's perfectly valid input -- but of course the user must be very careful about type-based aliasing rules if playing such games.

The asm-specifier should have nothing to do with anything except what name is put out in the assembly file.

Likewise, I believe with Zack's c-decl changes, I believe that it
always returns the new DECL, which means that in code like:

extern int foo();
int bar(void) { return foo(1); }
extern int foo(int);
int baz(void) { return foo(2); }

bar will reference one DECL of foo, and baz will reference a different
one. I think there are cases (perhaps even this example) where it'll
do this even without Zack's changes.

The point of Zack's changes was (in part) to eliminate having multiple copies of a FUNCTION_DECL for foo.

I'm not 100% sure that this was fully completed in the current patch, but if not, it will be soon.

There should be just one FUNCTION_DECL for "foo", and by the time we reach the middle end, its type should be "int ()(int)".

Mark Mitchell
CodeSourcery, LLC
(916) 791-8304

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