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On Tue, 2004-01-20 at 17:25, DJ Delorie wrote:
> The DJGPP stuff is not obsolete.  At least, the need to change the
> install prefix at runtime is still there.

Progress sometimes demands that old features be removed.  I think this
is a feature that should be removed.  I accept that you still need this
functionality, but I think it should be implemented differently.

> > Or maybe you can add another variable standard_startfile_prefix_0
> > which can be set by the host to override the other ones?
> How is this any different than what we used to do?

standard_startfile_prefix is initialized to a string in gcc.c, and never
modified.  This is just begging to have a const type qualifier.  Asking
to remove the const because of an unusual macro use does not make
sense.  It is better to fix the unusual macro use.

standard_startfile_prefix_0 would not be initialized to a string, and
would have a comment indicating that it exists for communication with
that some ports define.  This would make the relationship explicit, and
easier to maintain.
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support,

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