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Re: Removing -frwitable-strings (Mark Mitchell)  wrote on 18.12.03 in <>:

> I'm not sure how this actually works at present, but I don't think it
> works as you expect.  I think the optimizers still assume that constants
> are constant, and I think that __builtin_strlen (for example) will still
> return a constant when given a string constant.

In any case, it seems that this option is typically only needed for very  
few strings, used as an argument for mktemp() or mkstemp().

So whatever goes into the docs for deprecating or removing it, should  
perhaps mention the possibility of fixing this via a macro, which is quite  
possible in this limited case, especially if *all* mktemp/mkstemp  
arguments are constant, as is quite likely.

For example,

#define mktemp(x)  mktemp  (({ char[] __filename = x; __filename; }))
#define mkstemp(x) mkstemp (({ char[] __filename = x; __filename; }))


ought to do the job - it can't solve everything done with -fwritable- 
strings, but it ought to solve the vast majority.

MfG Kai

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