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Re: Steering committee request regarding gcc's bugzilla

On Dec 12, 2003, at 1:29 PM, Joseph S. Myers wrote:

On Fri, 12 Dec 2003, Daniel Berlin wrote:

There's only one urlbase, regardless of product, so unless we use one
of's other aliases, that's what the urls will be printed

How hard would it be for different URLs to select different products and
hide the components/versions/milestones for other products by default?
This is already done automatically.

I.e., GCC and binutils have completely different version numbering
scehemes and components that make sense, so it would save some bug
reporter confusion if when reporting GCC bugs they only see possible
version/component values that make sense for GCC.

This happens already in the select boxes.
When you select a product, it only shows version/components/target milestone that are available for that product.

[%# selectProduct reads the selection from f.product and updates
  # f.version, component and target_milestone accordingly.

(But for the benefits
of a joint database to be there, it would need to be possible to move a
bug from the gcc to the binutils product and at the same time change GCC
version/component/milestone into binutils ones.)

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