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Re: something that would be nice

"Matt Wells" <> writes:


| So my question is... would it be easy to make functions return multiple
| values?
| For example:

  struct Result {
    int value;
    int status;

  static inline Result result(int value, int status)
    Result res = { value, status };
    return res; 

  Result myfunction(int a, int b, c) {
    return result(a + b + c, 0);

| main () {
|     int value , myerrno ;
|     value , myerrno = myfunction ( a,b,c );

      Result r = myfunction (a, b, c);


| This is more in line with mathematics, too. A function can map
| an N dimensional point to an M dimensional point.

Yep, it is called product type has been in C since the dark ages.

| What do you guys think about this?

Me thinks it is already in the language.

| Is it a common request?

If you were using C++, I would say that the common idiom is that of
Faillible<T> of Barton & Nackman.

-- Gaby

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