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Re: Short questions about GCJ

>>>>> "Harman" == Harmanpaul S Gill <> writes:

Harman> 1. What is meant by libgcj being "conservative"
Harman> garbage collector? How does it differ from JRE
Harman> provided by SUN?

A conservative collector will scan the stack (and the heap, though
for heap scanning the libgcj collector is precise) and look for
values that resemble pointers.  It does this wihtout type
information, so sometimes it might scan an int that happens to have a
valid pointer value.

Harman> 2. Does GCJ project has some collaboration or
Harman> relationship  with Sun Microsystems?


Harman> 2. When was GCJ project started?

The earliest ChangeLog entry is from 1996.


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