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Re: handling of warnings

On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 02:13, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
> skaller <> writes:

> If you can't afford to tell whether you're using GCC or not, you are
> not going to supply GCC options.  Are you?

The build script has a line like:

CC = g++ -pedantic -ansi -shared ...

or what ever in it in the 'user configurable' section.
So, the user can easily change the compiler, and indeed
the command line options.

The hope is though, that for Linux -- and indeed most Unix
like platforms -- and even possibly Cygwin type MS-Windows
platforms -- the compiler of choice will be gcc, and the
options I have put as default will work without change.

I do not wish to query gcc dynamically in the script.
Whilst I assume the C system function will work,
I don't assume I have Unix tools available:
the assumption is that Python 1.5.2 is available:
that's my scripting language.

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