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Re: Not delivering {bugs,gnats,faq}.html in releases

> The point of this is providing documentation for gccbug, by way of "lynx
> -source"; in the release
> script. 

That's ok, but then someone else will have to do the work. I'm not 
volunteering my time for the gccbug script.

Look, we now have ~400 bug submissions every month. Daniel was so kind as to 
do some counting, and it turns out that <5 of these 400 are sent in by 
gccbug. I bet, if we went through who sent in these PRs, we'd find only well 
known names from inside the gcc project, people who know about categories 
themselves and don't need to look them up. It's a waste of time arguing with 
theoretical air castles that there are lots of people out there who prefer to 
use mail for bug submission.

> Removing documentation previously present in releases of how to use part
> of those releases would certainly be a regression.

Presenty we have the choice of shipping documentation that is outdated, 
dysfunctional and wrong, and not shipping any documentation at all (removing 
gnats.html). I vote for the latter. As I said above, I'm not volunteering to 
provide up-to-date information.


Wolfgang Bangerth              email:  

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