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Re: Ada: pragma Machine_Attribute doesn't work

That warning is generated in attribs.c. I have no idea why
this doesn't work. It seems that the attribute_tables are not
set up properly, but that doesn't seem to be a front end
responsibility. Could you file a GNATS bug report for this?
(But see remarks below... :)

On Tuesday, May 6, 2003, at 05:04 America/New_York, Bernd Trog wrote:
I have this C stuff:

void boot(void) __attribute__ ((section (".bootloader")));

and this part of the Makefile to set the address at link-time:

gcc [...] -Wl,--section-start=.bootloader=0x1E000

Now I'd like to do the same in GNAT Ada.
I've tried:

procedure Boot;

pragma Machine_Attribute (Entity => Boot,
                          Attribute_Name => "section ("".bootloader"")"
procedure Boot

and got this warning:

bootloader.adb:12: warning: `section (".bootloader")' attribute directive

You should have gotten: missing ")"

Please in the future also include platform that you use,
as such attributes are platform specific.


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