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Re: GNATS cleanup time for 3.2 regressions

> It is definitely dead; 3.3 will be the next release.

OK, then we should go ahead.

> And people aren't
> being consistent about this: in preparing my first 3.3 bug fix list,
> I found that many PRs were closed although still present in 3.2.x
> (which, by the way, I agree with; we should just do it consistently).

I entirely agree: if something was not a regression, it wasn't going to be 
fixed in 3.2, so if somebody had a fix for 3.3/3.4, the report should have 
been closed.

> > I don't entirely trust our classification in all cases, so one should
> > probably double check whether something that says "[3.2 regression]" is
> > really a regression only in 3.2, and not something that was classified
> > like that before we started thinking about 3.3 and beyond.
> Agreed.  However, if the audit trail already declares the bug fixed
> in 3.3 and the trunk, it is safe to close.

That's what I meant. I think I just wanted to say "don't close 
unconditionally, at least peek into the audit trail".

> > In total I find
> > 194 PRs that have the string "3\.2" in them, which would be what needs to
> > be checked and/or changed.
> No need to check if it also says 3\.3 or 3\.4.

Correct, but we may want to drop the 3.2/ from the synopsis.


Wolfgang Bangerth              email:            bangerth at ices dot utexas dot edu

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