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Re: Bugzilla update and schedule for changeover

On Friday, March 21, 2003, at 03:36 PM, Geert Bosch wrote:

On Friday, Mar 21, 2003, at 12:01 America/New_York, Daniel Berlin wrote:
Of course, we could always do the following:
1. Create them an account automatically and not mail them the password (these are two different functions in bugzilla, i just call one after the other in the email scripts)
2. If they decide they have the urge to log in to bugzilla, they can use the "forgot password" link.

I fear that if we do that, however, people will complain they never got sent a password.

I assume that even though everybody get accounts, they still will not be able to edit reports, right?

The current groups (you can add custom groups for whatever you like, etc. These are the ones bugzilla comes with, and are non-deletable) are:
Name Description User RegExp

admin		 Administrators
canconfirm	 Can confirm a bug.					.*
creategroups	 Can create and destroy groups.
editbugs		 Can edit all aspects of any bug.		.*
editcomponents Can create, destroy, and edit components.
editkeywords	 Can create, destroy, and edit keywords.  .*
editusers		 Can edit or disable users
tweakparams	 Can tweak operating parameters

To be clear, the User Regexp is just everyone *automatically* in that group (IE you can still add people manually, too).
 I'd really like to prevent everyone
to label their particular bug as "critical, high priority" as that
leaves us with no way to see which bugs really are most important
to fix.

Of course.

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