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Re: Please test bugzilla web interface

thanks for setting this up!

What I think would be really useful is a date field like "Last confirmed 
on". If a report is moved from "unconfirmed" to "new", this field would be 
set, but it can be re-set later again (maybe by just clicking a 
"reconfirm" button next to it?).

For many of the C++ reports, we presently indicate this information in the 
synopsys line, but this doesn't allow to search for reports that haven't 
been checked in the last year, say, and to see whether these have been 
fixed in the meantime without anyone noticing. Since such re-confirmations 
do not change anything else in the report, I don't see a way to code this 
information in the existing fields, short of abusing the synopsys line.


Wolfgang Bangerth             email:            bangerth at ticam dot utexas dot edu

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