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Official Announcement: GCC Developer's Summit (2003)

GCC Developer's Summit
May 25-27th, 2003
Ottawa, Canada

We are happy to announce that the GCC Developer's Summit is now
officially going ahead and will take place from May 25th to May 27th,
2003 in Ottawa, Canada.  Community support for the event has been
excellent and we hope to be able to use the time at the Summit to the
advantage of the entire project.  We are proud to announce as well that
Richard T. Henderson will be presenting the event keynote address.

We are now soliciting content, the Call for Participation has been
published at and contains the
formal details.  Our plan is to run two concurrent tracks one focusing
on GCC internals, and one for GCC users.  Examples of the
kind of topics we're looking for in the internals track would include;
details on specific ports such as IA64 and X86-64, new features in the
tree-SSA branch, new features in the rtlopt branch, details of the new
register allocator, and similar.  For the users track we would be
looking to address topics such as the details on the new C++ parser,
precompiled header support, SIMD support and how to use it, the
compilercache and how to use it, details on using GCC with RTEMS, and
similar topics.

We also have space for tutorials, working group meetings, brainstorming
sessions, and other similar tasks best addressed in person.

The goal of the event is to provide meaningful content relevant to the
attendees and advance the overall understanding of the GCC project. 
Your input and feedback is a key component in ensuring that this goal is
met.  If there is something you feel should be happening please speak up
and we'll do our best to help make sure it does.  Direct feedback should
be sent to ajh at gccsummit dot org and will be discussed with the organizing
committee promptly, we welcome all kinds of feedback.

More details are available at the Summit website at and we strongly recommend that everyone
interested join the Announcement mailing list at to keep

We would like to also take this time to thank everyone who has worked on
GCC for their very significant contributions to Free Software and to
software engineering in general we feel strongly that GCC deserves
significantly more credit and hope to do what we can.

(Note: In this context we take GCC to refer to the entire GNU Compiler

Andrew J. Hutton <ajh at gccsummit dot org>
GCC Developers Summit

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