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Re: Machine and hosting donation for the GCC project

Mike Stump wrote:
On Wednesday, February 19, 2003, at 01:04 PM, Laurent Guerby wrote:

After a few private emails, it appears that there is no real procedure for donating to the GCC project, hence no approval procedure :). Could the GCC SC states wether it's okay to proceed with the donation or > not?

The status quo is for people to maintain ownership of their equipment, network links and the like, and donate use of those resources to relevant people on the gcc list. This avoid liability, insurance, legal issues and so on.

I'm sorry if I was unclear or just forgot to say that the donation
itself is done in currency form to FSF Europe, which will buy
and install the machines at the facility kindly donated by and
already used by FSF Europe for other purposes. From there the machines will be dedicated
to the GCC project, my question is just wether the GCC project / SC
accepts this setup or not, and if yes, policy needs to be
decided on access and use (I of course have no more voice on this
topic than any other GCC developper).

Laurent Guerby <guerby at acm dot org>

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