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Re: Some PCH tests fail on mips-irix6

 > From: Geoff Keating <>
 > > Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 16:27:56 -0500 (EST)
 > > From: "Kaveh R. Ghazi" <>
 > > Results for mips-irix6, some (but not all) of the PCH tests fail:
 > >
 > >
 > > 
 > > The logfile says we get assembly diffs.  I'm not sure what I need to
 > > send you in order for you to debug.  Let me know.
 > The other failures indicate some MIPS-specific problem.  Most likely,
 > there's a counter somewhere that's not being saved/restored.  Looking
 > at the differences will probably make it obvious where the counter is.

With the latest checkout most of the -g failures are gone.  We're left
with these

FAIL: pch/system-1.C -g assembly comparison
FAIL: pch/system-1.C -O2 -g assembly comparison
FAIL: pch/system-1.C -O2 assembly comparison

FAIL: pch/static-1.c  -O0  assembly comparison
FAIL: pch/static-1.c  -O1  assembly comparison
FAIL: pch/static-1.c  -O2  assembly comparison
FAIL: pch/static-1.c  -Os  assembly comparison
FAIL: pch/static-2.c  -O0  assembly comparison
FAIL: pch/static-2.c  -O1  assembly comparison
FAIL: pch/static-2.c  -O2  assembly comparison
FAIL: pch/static-2.c  -Os  assembly comparison

We've still got a few g++ -g diffs, not sure why.

The C failures are all code, not debug info.  I've included the
assembly diffs for static-1.c -O0.  Hopefully the counter (in mips.c?)
will be "obvious" to someone besides me. :-)

Executing on host: /caip/u58/ghazi/gcc-testing/build/gcc/xgcc -B/caip/u58/ghazi/gcc-testing/build/gcc/ static-1.h   -O0    -o static-1.h.pch    (timeout = 300)
spawn /caip/u58/ghazi/gcc-testing/build/gcc/xgcc -B/caip/u58/ghazi/gcc-testing/build/gcc/ static-1.h -O0 -o static-1.h.pch 
PASS: static-1.h (test for excess errors)
Executing on host: /caip/u58/ghazi/gcc-testing/build/gcc/xgcc -B/caip/u58/ghazi/gcc-testing/build/gcc/ /caip/u58/ghazi/gcc-testing/egcc-CVS20030119/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pch/static-1.c   -O0  -I. -S  -o static-1.s    (timeout = 300)
spawn /caip/u58/ghazi/gcc-testing/build/gcc/xgcc -B/caip/u58/ghazi/gcc-testing/build/gcc/ /caip/u58/ghazi/gcc-testing/egcc-CVS20030119/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pch/static-1.c -O0 -I. -S -o static-1.s 
PASS: gcc.dg/pch/static-1.c (test for excess errors)
Executing on host: /caip/u58/ghazi/gcc-testing/build/gcc/xgcc -B/caip/u58/ghazi/gcc-testing/build/gcc/ /caip/u58/ghazi/gcc-testing/egcc-CVS20030119/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pch/static-1.c   -O0  -I. -S  -o static-1.s    (timeout = 300)
spawn /caip/u58/ghazi/gcc-testing/build/gcc/xgcc -B/caip/u58/ghazi/gcc-testing/build/gcc/ /caip/u58/ghazi/gcc-testing/egcc-CVS20030119/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pch/static-1.c -O0 -I. -S -o static-1.s 
PASS: gcc.dg/pch/static-1.c (test for excess errors)
line #13
< 	#.file	1 "static-1.h"
> 	.frame	$fp,32,$31		# vars= 0, regs= 2/0, args= 0, extra= 16
line #14
< 	.frame	$fp,32,$31		# vars= 0, regs= 2/0, args= 0, extra= 16
> 	.mask	0x50000000,-8
line #15
< 	.mask	0x50000000,-8
> 	.fmask	0x00000000,0
line #16
< 	.fmask	0x00000000,0
> 	subu	$sp,$sp,32
line #17
< 	subu	$sp,$sp,32
> .LCFI0:
line #18
< .LCFI0:
> 	sd	$fp,24($sp)
line #19
< 	sd	$fp,24($sp)
> .LCFI1:
line #20
< .LCFI1:
> 	sd	$28,16($sp)
line #21
< 	sd	$28,16($sp)
> .LCFI2:
line #22
< .LCFI2:
> 	move	$fp,$sp
line #23
< 	move	$fp,$sp
> .LCFI3:
line #24
< .LCFI3:
> 	.set	noat
line #25
< 	.set	noat
> 	lui	$1,%hi(%neg(%gp_rel(foo)))
line #26
< 	lui	$1,%hi(%neg(%gp_rel(foo)))
> 	addiu	$1,$1,%lo(%neg(%gp_rel(foo)))
line #27
< 	addiu	$1,$1,%lo(%neg(%gp_rel(foo)))
> 	daddu	$gp,$1,$25
line #28
< 	daddu	$gp,$1,$25
> 	.set	at
line #29
< 	.set	at
> 	la	$3,counter.0
line #30
< 	la	$3,counter.0
> 	lw	$2,0($3)
line #31
< 	lw	$2,0($3)
> 	move	$4,$2
line #32
< 	move	$4,$2
> 	addu	$2,$2,1
line #33
< 	addu	$2,$2,1
> 	sw	$2,0($3)
line #34
< 	sw	$2,0($3)
> 	move	$2,$4
line #35
< 	move	$2,$4
> 	move	$sp,$fp
line #36
< 	move	$sp,$fp
> 	ld	$fp,24($sp)
line #37
< 	ld	$fp,24($sp)
> 	ld	$28,16($sp)
line #38
< 	ld	$28,16($sp)
> 	addu	$sp,$sp,32
line #39
< 	addu	$sp,$sp,32
> 	j	$31
line #40
< 	j	$31
> .LFE3:
line #41
< .LFE3:
> 	.end	foo
line #42
< 	.end	foo
> 	.section	.bss
line #43
< 	.section	.bss
> counter.1:
line #44
< counter.1:
> 	.align	2
line #45
< 	.align	2
> 	.space	4
line #46
< 	.space	4
> 	.text
line #47
< 	.text
> 	.align	2
line #48
< 	.align	2
> 	.ent	bar
line #49
< 	.ent	bar
> bar:
line #50
< bar:
> .LFB5:
line #51
< .LFB5:
> 	.frame	$fp,32,$31		# vars= 0, regs= 2/0, args= 0, extra= 16
line #52
< 	#.file	1 "/caip/u58/ghazi/gcc-testing/egcc-CVS20030119/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pch/static-1.c"
> 	.mask	0x50000000,-8
line #53
< 	.frame	$fp,32,$31		# vars= 0, regs= 2/0, args= 0, extra= 16
> 	.fmask	0x00000000,0
line #54
< 	.mask	0x50000000,-8
> 	subu	$sp,$sp,32
line #55
< 	.fmask	0x00000000,0
> .LCFI0:
line #56
< 	subu	$sp,$sp,32
> 	sd	$fp,24($sp)
line #57
< .LCFI4:
> .LCFI1:
line #58
< 	sd	$fp,24($sp)
> 	sd	$28,16($sp)
line #59
< .LCFI5:
> .LCFI2:
line #60
< 	sd	$28,16($sp)
> 	move	$fp,$sp
line #61
< .LCFI6:
> .LCFI3:
line #62
< 	move	$fp,$sp
> 	.set	noat
line #63
< .LCFI7:
> 	lui	$1,%hi(%neg(%gp_rel(bar)))
line #64
< 	.set	noat
> 	addiu	$1,$1,%lo(%neg(%gp_rel(bar)))
line #65
< 	lui	$1,%hi(%neg(%gp_rel(bar)))
> 	daddu	$gp,$1,$25
line #66
< 	addiu	$1,$1,%lo(%neg(%gp_rel(bar)))
> 	.set	at
line #67
< 	daddu	$gp,$1,$25
> 	la	$3,counter.1
line #68
< 	.set	at
> 	lw	$2,0($3)
line #69
< 	la	$3,counter.1
> 	move	$4,$2
line #70
< 	lw	$2,0($3)
> 	addu	$2,$2,1
line #71
< 	move	$4,$2
> 	sw	$2,0($3)
line #72
< 	addu	$2,$2,1
> 	move	$2,$4
line #73
< 	sw	$2,0($3)
> 	move	$sp,$fp
line #74
< 	move	$2,$4
> 	ld	$fp,24($sp)
line #75
< 	move	$sp,$fp
> 	ld	$28,16($sp)
line #76
< 	ld	$fp,24($sp)
> 	addu	$sp,$sp,32
line #77
< 	ld	$28,16($sp)
> 	j	$31
line #78
< 	addu	$sp,$sp,32
> .LFE5:
line #79
< 	j	$31
> 	.end	bar
line #80
< .LFE5:
line #81
< 	.end	bar
FAIL: pch/static-1.c  -O0  assembly comparison

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