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Other format: [Raw text] downtime 2003-01-18 (Saturday)

On Saturday, will be switched to new hardware, which
requires some downtime starting at about Sat 2003-01-18 18:00 GMT,
AKA Sat 2003-01-18 10:00 US/Pacific
    Sat 2003-01-18 11:00 US/Arizona
    Sat 2003-01-18 11:00 US/Mountain
    Sat 2003-01-18 12:00 US/Central
    Sat 2003-01-18 13:00 US/Eastern
    Sat 2003-01-18 13:00 Canada/Eastern
    Sat 2003-01-18 16:00 America/Sao_Paulo
    Sat 2003-01-18 18:00 Europe/London
    Sat 2003-01-18 19:00 Europe/Vienna
    Sun 2003-01-19 05:00 Australia/Ben Elliston

To quote CGF, "The system will be down until it comes back up.  It will
be three hours at a minimum".

Please do _not_ send mails to the gcc lists, the overseers list or
Christopher complaining about unavailability of services during the

Probably it's best to spend a nice Saturday or Sunday (depending on
where you are), offline. ;-)

Gerald "Jerry"

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