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Re: source mgt. requirements solicitation

> There are currently three of four serious revision control projects in
> the free software world (OpenCM, svn, arch, and metacvs),

You forgot to list RCS and CVS.

> 	2) GCC, more than many projects, relies on a distributed
>          testing effort, which mostly applies to the HEAD revision
> 	   and to release candidates.  Most of this testing is done
> 	   by hand.

All my testing is automated.

> 	3) Judging by the messages on this list, there is some tension
> 	   between the release cycle and feature development -- some
> 	   issues around what is merged when, and around the impact of
> 	   freezes.

I don't see how any revision management system can fix this.  This is
a people problem.

> 	9) Distributed testing occurs mostly on the HEAD -- which
>          means that the HEAD breaks on various targets, fairly
>          frequently.

No, more testing on head means that head *works* more often.  The
other branches are just as broken, we just don't know about it yet.

> 	10) The utility of the existing revision control set up to 
> 	    people who lack write access is distinctly less than 
> 	    the utility to people with write access.

This is a good thing.  We don't want them to be able to do all the
things write-access people can do.  That's the whole point.

> 	11) Some efforts, such as overhauling the build process, will
> 	    probably benefit from a switch to rev ctl. systems that
> 	    support tree rearrangements.

Like CVS?  It supports trees.

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