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Re: gcc branches?

Tom Lord wrote:
That's a bug.  If you ask focused questions, I will be happy to answer
them.  It shouldn't take very many hours to grok the situation.
It wouldn't do much good, since I'm not in a position to either
finance or recommend either svn or arch.  When one or both get to
the stage that they are serious contenders to replace cvs, then
I'd like someone whose judgement I trust (it could be me, I guess)
to evaluate both.  But until then, I think it is premature or
either myself or the gcc steering committee to spend much time
evaluating them (unless personally interested, of course).

	> [From what I hear] the "engineering" [in `arch']
	> is lacking.

Yes, well, bullshit rumours are like that.
Perception rules, often. Overcoming incorrect perception is
possible, but takes a lot of work.

Ask some serious questions or read the `arch' source code.  I'll be
happy to help with your evaluation because I am confident that if you
are not foolish about it, I'll "win".
Convincing me won't really help you or arch.  I'm not an opinion-maker
in the Free Software world.  If I were, I'd be rich from Kawa - which
a very few people rave about.
	--Per Bothner

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