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Re: __main

> Fergus Henderson wrote:-
> > On 02-Sep-2002, Mike Laman <> wrote:
> > > I'm creating the port (working on my third month on this project).
> > 
> > In that case, why don't you define NAME__MAIN and SYMBOL__MAIN
> > in your target header files?
> > 
> > ("set NAME__MAIN to give a quoted symbol and SYMBOL__MAIN to
> > give the same symbol without quotes for an alternative entry point.
> > You must define both, or neither.")
> Why not just define one in terms of the other?  I could never
> figure that out.

Oh probably because when I added that 10+ years ago there was some reason 
why we couldn't rely on being able to generate a string from a symbol; 
that is, why one of

#define STRINGIFY(X) #X


#define STRINGIFY(X) "X"

was failing, though you don't really expect me to remember that now do you?


PS I've always condidered the K+R form a truly gross hack; there certainly 
was nothing in K+R1 that suggested this had to work.

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