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Re: A FrontEnd in C++?

> Go right ahead.  All you need is a new branch and some free time.  I
> would personally suggest following some of the design and implementation
> ideas from SUIF and/or Sage++.  They are kind of neat.

As long as we are plugging compiler infrastructures, I thought I might
mention my own project LLVM:

It's also completely written in C++ (G++ 3.2), uses a GCC->LLVM frontend,
is SSA based, open-source, and has some interesting technology available
in it.  The LLVM instruction set is roughly equivalent to SIMPLE

A few of the nify things LLVM provides are the modular pass system:
strong infrastructure for interprocedural optimizations, linktime, and
runtime optimizations, etc.  The infrastructure is _very_ fast.

Additionally, because it uses C++ and the STL throughout, writing
transformations is quite simple.  For example, LICM and GCSE are each
just a couple hundred lines of code (which are mostly comments):


If you have any questions about LLVM or would like to discuss compiler
architecture, I'd be more than happy to participate.


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