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Re: New and exception

Tim Hollebeek wrote:
> Yes ... the biggest thing you're leaving out is the fact that for a
> decade, new() did return null, and these are precisely the sorts of
> programs that are being compiled without exceptions.
> So the null checks don't necessarily have to be added; they may
> already be there.

In certain high-performance programs, I use -fno-exceptions (for better
optimisation; I know there are no exceptions), and I do _not_ use the
nothrow version of new() precisely because I know that new() will never
return NULL, and I don't want the constructors to check for this.
(If the program really does run out of memory, it is terminated the hard
way as with xmalloc()).

For this reason, I don't declare new() as throw() -- because GCC will
then check for NULL, which I'd rather it did not.

So, please don't make it so I cannot disable NULL checks and disable
exceptions at the same time.

Thanks :)
-- Jamie

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