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define_reservation regexp duplicated in for two different reservation names

I was just looking at the file to learn about the DFA scheduler when I saw this code:

(define_reservation "pentium-firstuboth" "(pentium-load + pentium-firstu
					   + pentium-memory)")
(define_reservation "pentium-firstvboth" "(pentium-load + pentium-firstu
					   + pentium-memory)")

Note that both define_reservations are the same value. I assume that the second one was supposed to be:

(define_reservation "pentium-firstvboth" "(pentium-load + pentium-firstv
					   + pentium-memory)")

But I don't know enough about the pentium pipeline to know whether that is the correct definition. 

The version of the file I was looking at was Revision on the subversions web site.


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