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[Fwd: GCC2C compiler/converter]


Alexey Starovoytov wrote:
> Hi All,
> GCC2C is free tool distributed under GNU Public License
> that allows to use proprietary compiler as a backend compiler
> for GNU frontend, therefore allowing programs written with GNU
> extensions to be compiled with more advanced compilers in order
> to achieve better performance.
> Sun Forte compiler showed 34% gain over GCC 3.1 on UltraSparc III
> platform on SPECCPU 2000 benchmarks.
> GCC2C free compiler/converter:
> 60-day trial copy of Sun Forte:
> Here is a brief description of GCC2C:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> GCC2C is a "GNU C/C++/Fortran/ObjectiveC to C" converter written as
> a GCC backend.
> It translates GCC RTL to C code for general compiler.
> Most of the translations are implemented in plain C, but for some
> of them GNU extensions were used as well as known pragmas.
> Sun Forte C compiler can be used as a target compiler, providing
> Forte performance with the GCC API. This combination has shown very
> good results on SPEC CPU benchmarks.
> This converter will be very helpful to developers who use GCC but want
> enhanced performance on UltraSPARC platforms, particularly the US-III.
> GCC 3.x has no support for US3 prefetch cache or other US3 specific
> features. The number of supported optimizations in GCC is significantly
> lower than in Forte. This converter delivers the best from both.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Best regards,
> Alexey.

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