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Re: Public History of the GCC project

Dear Sirs,
I would like to download the entire mail archive of the gcc project for indexing and XREFING. One thing that I have noticed is that much of the documentation is available in the mailling list. The rational and the dicussion of the
ideas in the gcc happen on the mail.
It would be great to have a concept index that shows all the mails for
a given function, topic and idea.

The CVS logs are also important for this purpose as well.

If you can help me arrange a download of the archives,
I would be very grateful.



Maybe CVSSearch II is what you are looking for (at least for the CVS part of what you are trying to index):

It does search by wordstemming (e.g. bugfixes will deliver bugfix, bugfixes, bugfixing etc..).

I have used it on a medium sized project (however only one major module) and it is used by the KDE project as well. The downside is that for a larger project, it can take some while to index and it does not have incremental indexing as far as I can remember.


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