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Re: Creating a tag

On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 02:15:16PM -0400, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:

> Or some voodoo used to select a CVS binary per-repository; that should
> be fairly straightforward.

Not as straightforward as you'd imagine; in the case of anoncvs we
don't know what repository they're accessing until the server has
started up and initiates communicating with the client.

cvs-over-ssh is a bit easier to control because the majority of
the ssh accounts explicitly only run the cvs command; which cvs
command is hardcoded in the ssh auth files.  But that's not what
we're talking about changing.

But really, this isn't the only stumbling block keeping this from
being implemented -- I doubt it would be an especially difficult
change to make cvs change its behavior depending on a CVSROOT/config
setting in each repository.


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