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Re: Creating a tag

On Wed, 19 Jun 2002, Mark Mitchell wrote:

> I started that operation at 9:00 AM; it's now 10:36 AM.  I've been
> watching "waiting for ...'s lock" messages go by that entire time.
> (With different lognames and directories over that time period, but
> with the same directories appearing more than once.)

The logs from the generation of the last snapshot
show it taking five hours to delete and recreate the gcc_latest_snapshot 

Could anoncvs access to the tree on be disabled (without
breaking cvsweb) (for example, by removing anoncvs from the gcc group so
it can't create lock files, and chowning to someone else the directories
in the gcc tree owned by anoncvs)?

What's the status of the new machine that was being planned some time ago,
and will it have enough memory that the whole CVS tree can be expected to
stay cached?  (I don't know whether this is relevant to the speed issue,
it just seems plausible since tag operations need to write to every ,v
file in the tree, and operations on branches need to read them all.)

Joseph S. Myers

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