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Re: whither specs?

On Mon, Jun 10, 2002 at 01:44:45PM -0500, Mumit Khan wrote:

 > Typical one for me is to add the rpath/R directive to pass on to the
 > linker. We have multiple versions of GCC installed on all our platforms,

The driver should be doing this itself, IMO.  I have a gross patch in my
local tree right now that passes -R in the places where the driver passes
-L .. I've been meaning to file a PR on it so that I don't forget about it.

 > and each lives in its own little area; this implies that the shared
 > libraries that are installed with GCC live in directories that are not
 > normally searched by the dynamic linker[1], and it's simply not practical
 > to expect users to know where these things hide (and it gets messier
 > whenever multilibs are involved).

...or when the system compiler is one version of GCC (with corresponding in /usr/lib) and you're testing another version of GCC which
happens to use a with the same shlib major number.

        -- Jason R. Thorpe <> USENIX...

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