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Re: inlining inefficiencies

Dan Nicolaescu <dann@godzilla.ICS.UCI.EDU> writes:

| Gabriel Dos Reis <> writes:
|   > Dan Nicolaescu <dann@godzilla.ICS.UCI.EDU> writes:
|   > 
|   > | Gabriel Dos Reis <> writes:
|   > | 
|   > |   > Dan Nicolaescu <dann@godzilla.ICS.UCI.EDU> writes:
|   > |   > 
|   > |   > | There are some problems with inlining as shown by the code below 
|   > |   > | (derived from oopack)
|   > |   > | 
|   > |   > | class Complex_d {
|   > |   > | public:
|   > |   > |   double re, im;
|   > |   > |   Complex_d (double r, double i) : re(r), im(i) {}
|   > |   > |   Complex_d () {}
|   > |   > | };
|   > |   > 
|   > |   > Incidentely, I would like to mention that the compiler seems to have
|   > |   > some unexplained difficulty to optimize similar constructs with
|   > |   > double __complex__ -- that used to be mentioned in the past, and I
|   > |   > beleive the situation doesn't improve :-(
|   > | 
|   > | If the difficulties you mention are related to aliasing, and you have
|   > | some testcases, please send them to me. 
|   > 
|   > I did some preliminary analysis here:
|   > 
|   >
|   > 
|   > I'm suspecting some aliasing issues, but I can't tell for sure.
| The code generated by 3.2 is a little better. 
| The problem is the same, when functions are inlined the argument
| passing is inlined too, and for SPARC v8 float arguments are passed in
| integer registers, so there's a lot of code generated to move
| arguments between the float and integer registers (through memory). 

Thanks for the detective work and shading a light (for me at least)
oon this issue.

| Your example looks much better when compiled with -mcpu=v9 -m64
| __complex__ double add(__complex__ double z1, __complex__ double z2)
| {
|   return z1 + z2;
| }
| _Z3addCdS_:
|         !#PROLOGUE# 0
|         !#PROLOGUE# 1
|         fmovd   %f0, %f8
|         faddd   %f8, %f4, %f12
|         faddd   %f2, %f6, %f4
|         fmovd   %f4, %f2
|         retl
|         fmovd   %f12, %f0

Indeed, it looks much better.  Do you know why GCC can't be convinced
to emit something like:

     faddd %f0, %f4, %f0
     faddd %f2, %f6, %f2

that is, what are the reasons why GCC want to do all those moves?

| struct complex { double re, im; };
| complex add(complex z1, complex z2)
| {
|   complex w;
| = +;
| = +;
|   return w;
| }
| _Z3add7complexS_:
|         !#PROLOGUE# 0
|         add     %sp, -224, %sp
|         !#PROLOGUE# 1
|         faddd   %f0, %f4, %f8
|         faddd   %f2, %f6, %f4
|         std     %f8, [%sp+192]
|         std     %f4, [%sp+200]
|         ldx     [%sp+192], %g4
|         ldx     [%sp+200], %g1
|         stx     %g4, [%sp+176]
|         stx     %g1, [%sp+184]
|         ldd     [%sp+176], %f0
|         ldd     [%sp+184], %f2
|         nop
|         retl
|         sub     %sp, -224, %sp

This one is really ridiculous^Wfunny :-)

Any SPARC back-end expert there?

-- Gaby

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